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If you are using VSCode, install the recommended extensions and use Tasks instead of manually executing the commands.

Modifying it¤

The main entry point is the debug executable.

A C++17 compliant compiler and Linux system is required to build it.

Tip for VSCode users

Set build target and launch.

sudo apt-get install build-essential
# optionally install vtune for profiling

cd src/am4/utils
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. && cmake --build . --target _core_executable && ./_core_executable
Note that the BUILD_PYBIND definition/directives controls whether the pybind11 bindings are included. It is set to 0 when building the executable.

Create the Python bindings¤

Tip for VSCode users

Run the py: reinstall task.

# in root dir:
sudo apt-get install python3-dev python3-pip
pip3 install virtualenv
virtualenv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

pip3 install --verbose ".[dev,api,bot]" --config-settings=cmake.define.COPY_DATA=1
cd src/am4/utils
# pip3 uninstall src/am4/utils -y

The am4 package and data files will then be installed in your site-packages, ready for use:

from am4.utils.db import init
from am4.utils.aircraft import Aircraft
init() # IMPORTANT: loads the aircraft, airport and routes etc.
a ="b744")
To learn more on how to use it, check out the tests, generated stubs or the API reference.